AshintoLight Academy

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Is It Me? Or is it them?

Ahhh nooo… Here comes the answer and the one you probably do not wish to hear…

It is always you … Go on… go on… let go of that ughhhh breath go and hear me out…

Whatever meets you on your day it is what is meant to happen and what you are attracting… You will be met with similar circumstances until you learn the lesson… And probably wont like this either but its all about you and how you can transmute everything you see touch and hear into love and higher wisdom… Easier said than done, I know, but you can do it when you start catching yourself into the same narrative of self pity, stuck in your own grumpy humpy bubble and the why this keeps happening to me buzz, which if you are being really honest, doesn’t serve you or anyone any goodness.

Everything outside of you is out of your control, but what you feel and take from it, will make you either lose or gain control over your overall wellbeing.

Everything, people, news, tragic events, good or bad will always keep on happening because this is the way the world works. We are all created from this big bang, chaos really, but look at what else was created, the universe, the beautiful mother earth, which keeps on giving day in day out. Us, the animals, our full of love pets, our beautiful children, our glorious nature and its surreal landscapes.

Ok I am going away from what I’m trying to say here, but can you get where I’m going with it? Every negative has an exact opposite, the positive. Every action has a reaction, be it good or bad, what you do comes back to you.

It is always you and how you chose to see yourself, your day, your surroundings… It is always you that has control over your thoughts and how you choose to give your power away, so start today to live from a more simple approach and let life be what really is instead of complicating it by going around million of scenarios in your head all the time and let go of your old ways.

Can I tell you a secret? Most of the others are stuck in the same narrative too; (worried about silly things, which really no one else cares about but takes so much space on our everyday inner dialogue. Some stuff and noise stuck up there is really silly yet painful and as silly as it is could cause a lot of self hurt and despair sometimes. Does this person like me? Does my colleague think I’m badly dressed? Why does her friend not like me? Am I good enough to make anything good happen? Does pink go well with black? I would certainly look better 2kg fatter/skinnier, my eyes would be better coloured blue, silly non sense stuff, right? When you write them down and look at them from an outsider type of view.

Whichever is that you’re going through know that you can make them statements and thoughts to work for you and not against it. When the negative chatter starts its own inner dialogue, please remember you can change the inner dialogue into an empowering voice too and go the opposite way: THIS IS ME, I love my pink and black shoes, I am worthy of goodness, I am a strong confident human being or whatever it is that you keep telling yourself in a negative way do the pure opposite and do it with confidence.

Go on, I dare you, find a mirror close by and say it out loud while looking at your reflection: I LOVE YOU; I am good today; I am brave; I am more than enough; I am a great human being; I am intelligent and wise; I am capable to create anything I put my mind into; I am still here today and it means something, it means I’m persevering all that’s happened and I’m still here looking good, confident and still full of life and still full of given.

Time will keep on going and the older we get the more we realise these little nonsenses took most of our precious time and matter… And the next realisation is that really on one cared either as most of us are stuck in our own made up worlds too with same silly nonsense narrative as yours.

Yes, everything that surround us, trigger us! We do have the power to chose how to feel about it tho: sad or happy, fear or strength, beautiful or plain ugly… The choice is always yours.

Yes, a lot of hurt maybe was caused to you and still happening to you now. Or maybe you were the cause of it too. What you are not changing you are choosing. Hard to swallow I know, because sometimes we feel so stuck… so selfless… so powerless and sometimes we allow things to happen to us because we don’t think we deserve any better.

Please know you can be more than what you are portraying yourself to be in your mind, you can be more than everything you can imagine but could you just purely let go and see yourself as the best version of you in this moment? Go on just visualize yourself as this strong beautiful kind human being which you truly are… And a little hint for this exercise, remember all those thoughts when you weren’t enough, skinny enough, strong enough, beautiful enough, clever enough and then you see an old picture of you and remember it all? These thoughts were in your head at that time too, and guess what? When you are looking back at it now, I bet you are saying you were more than enough, you looked so beautiful and so in very great condition and you are worthy of so much more. and so much stronger too than you allow yourself to believe.

STOP for a moment and take a deep breath in and let it all gooooooooo… let the old you go… You’re under no obligation to be the person you were 5 minutes ago.

Nobody wakes up super charged, super confident, super happy, its the intention that we put and choose for ourselves which will carry you through the day. Its a choice and belief system that we must co-create each time we want to become better than our yesterday.

Also the only competition you have with is with yourself. Don’t mater what Joe next door is doing, has done or will do, no control over it, have you? Joe is going to live the life he set up for himself. You probably think he is doing even better or is better than you. Do we actually know what really Joe is going through? No, its only an assumption on our part.

Your power and control starts with you and you only. What can I do today that will make me happy? And please be realistic, sometimes and some days just getting out the bed is the goal. Sometimes and some days just pushing through and leave your front door for a bit of sun and fresh air is the best you can do… And some other times and some days you would have climbed that mountain too you were so afraid of to, in the end. Be gentle with yourself and with your progress and do write down your biggest dreams too, anything that exists today, was someone’s perception or a simple thought one day!

Choice and freewill is the beauty of what the universe gave each and every one of us. We have the power to become… reinvent and recreate ourselves… each and every one of us can be someone and most certainly is the hero in some one else’s story!

Believe… Believe… Believe in whatever your intention goes. If its fear, bad and ugly you keep seeing/feeling maybe just for today try to see it the other way. What have you got to lose? If you feel miserable… sad … full of anxiety… you feel the world is crumbling down on your shoulders… Maybe just maybe it’s meant to so you can build a brand new strong foundation instead!

For the next few days catch yourself on whatever takes you to these states and do the opposite of what you keep telling yourself. Because whenever you feel the lowest, the worst, or suffering the craziest pain or hurt and you’re near a panic attack? Go back to your breath and breathe it out.. Know that the opposite of them feelings is pure bliss, pure beauty, purest strongest love.

If you went though the worse of all , the opposite of this means you’re good to go through the best of all too, that’s how the law of attraction works, what goes around comes around too… And if you really are at your lowest and reached rock bottom, acknowledge it, smile about it cause now my friend your only way is up above and beyond.

Time heals… Start with changing one narrative at the time in your mind first… Try for one day, what have you got to lose? Look from the eyes of compassion, bliss and love through everything that’s thrown at you… Yes you can and yes it is simple, you just might not believe it possible the next day… Second day try again… And the same the third… You will see a different pattern emerging out of you… You will see that there is other ways to live your life too… At the start you’ll probably think you’re going even crazier/ madder than you were ever before…. but if you are at your lowest what have you got to lose on trying to see the other way, even tho it looks like acting for the first few days. Give-in to the power you have over yourself… Give that power a positives belief, narrative and mater… give all this to you my friend… Because no mater what you are right now, you can be better…you can get better and you can live better.

Love is the most powerful energy and still must unknown energy in the world…

So go on start with giving it all to you first and see those miracles and transformations unfold ahead of you!

Be it so…

Quotes which got me through at my worse:

“ Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world

All things break. And all things can be mended.

Not with time as they say, but with intention.

So go… Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.

The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is YOU”

L. R. Knost

“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as tough everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein